It is almost Easter, and then my 53rd Birthday. It is scary that in my lifetime I have seen the decline of the Country that I signed up to fight for in my youth. The establishment in Washington DC has gradually made themselves the most important things in Americans daily lives. You can't read any news or watch TV without some politician(Liberal mostly, but RINOS too)on TV telling us how to live. I have continued my fight against Barry and his crowd of socialist followers and will do so as long as I can. Below are some of my tweets that may or may not repeat ones from earlier.
included the cost of "waaaaaambulances" in his Healthcare bull...I mean bill.
made our Country great, while seek to destroy it...Right ?
A terrorist uses fear as a weapon, a democrat uses guilt, uses both.
Tell you what liberals. YOU don't force your socialism on me and I won't force you to be free.... Marine
spent so much time getting passed b4 he worked on jobs, bcuz Healthy slave labor is better than sick slave labor.
Conservatives use a "think tank" -Liberals use a "septic tank".
was given the keys to the Nukes w/o a background check...but wants the LITTLE people to have one for Rifles.
When Speaks, People Laugh....Oops I meant LISTEN....(wink)
ATTENTION et al is why you lost the country to the Socialist
There is something wrong w'a system that background checks the person who CLEANS the prezs toilet but NOT the 1 who USES it.
"I will gladly(make millionaires) pay you Tuesday for my social programs today..."--Whimpy
You can lead a to a podium but you can't make him think
I want FREEDOM WITH Responsibility. Liberals& @barackobamawant FREEDOM FROM Responsibility.( /Sequestration/FastNFurious)
"The Jeffersons" theme song today-"♫Moving down frm the East Side cuz ate our piece of the Pie♫"
fought the war for INDEPENDENCE w/Muskets.... is fighting the war for DEPENDENCE. w/Drones.
The is a "Grassroots Movement. is more of a "Bowel Movement"
Just a reminder: stands for REPUBLICAN National Committee NOT RINO National Committee.
's tax plan 4 Dummys: tax the rich until they r poor, then tax the middle class until they r poor then tax the poor. Simple
If the Fake bomb that TSA snuck thru had been on a 4 year old girl in a wheelchair, it wouldn't have gotten thru!
"♪Old Macdonald had a farm, EIEIOwn then got elected. E I E He owns...♪"
A Liberal won't be happy until we have lost the Human Race
The so called "Zombie Apocalypse" already happened...we call them...."Liberals".
There is LITTLE worse than a Nation that HAS freedom and gives it up.
I used to think politicians were a necessary evil.....lately I am not so sure about the necessary part...
People died, Lied, sighed, "Let it slide." the Nation cried!
There is already a path to citizenship in the US. Send the ILLEGALS back to where they came, they apply & wait like the LEGAL ones did.
Libs turn a blind eye to the fact that the government they want to save them is the Government that created what they need 2 be saved from!
fought the war for INDEPENDENCE w/Muskets.... is fighting the war for DEPENDENCE. w/Drones.
THE SECOND AMENDMENT exists because we ALL don't live near a Dunkin Donuts.
Liberals CAN'T learn from past mistakes because U won't find any who will admit they made any.
The average liberal doesn't have an least not one of their OWN.
had his head in "The Cloud" long before Microsoft invented it.(if you get what I am "reefer"ing to)
NOW I get it!!! didn't want to send anyone with guns to because someone might have gotten killed!
- The man who gave us #TEAPARTY#HOBBITS, attacks is showing his true colors.(BLUE)
or -not a difficult decision.
ATTENTION : If we want to watch a RINO run, we will watch "Animal Planet"
The best way to make all schools safer is to put a Dunkin Donuts in all the Cafeterias. Marine
The "Security Blanket" that wants to wrap Americans in ties securely in the back....
They say the only sure things in life are Death & taxes... makes sure we have plenty of both.
The says it will ONLY deport ILLEGAL ALIENS who are criminals....isn't violating America's borders a CRIME? Marine
I believe we are all entitled to our OWN opinion. Liberals & radical Islamists believe we are ONLY entitled to THEIRS.
Socialism needs to be FORCED on people as no free man would accept it. Ignorant people excepted.
More to come!