John Stephen Wright

John Stephen Wright

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According to Janet Nepalotano I am a Right Wing extremist.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Even more Tweets

Here are some more tweets. I may not be able to write long blogs well, but I sure can crank out the short ones. Enjoy and feel free to retweet.

One of 's many mistakes is thinking America will go down with out a fight.

needs to spend less time at and more at ...

Conservatives use a "think tank" while Liberals use a "septic tank".

Odd.... I have yet to see where even an msm report that a event " turned violent." ?

Joy Behar on Economics: "Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday?"

Rosie O'Donnell: "Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers."

Women would consider a typical man....lost, won't ask for directions & won't read the Constitution Map.

I think, therefore I am, Liberals don't think, therefore they aren't.

Diff btween being passionate abt ur cause & radical; passionate ppl don't strap bombs on kids to "make a point" or crap on cop cars.

Almost amusing that sits the Furthest from the Field & talks about having "Skin in the Game".

Sailing on the USS USA with as "Captain" has been the "Voyage of the Damned"...


Lies are like muscles. The more they are used, the bigger they get.

ATTENTION WELFARE RECIPIENTS:If you are NOT happy w/the standard of living my $ provides you, GET A JOB!!

If our founding fathers had waited for a handout, we would not be here to debate it!

Hollywood has created more crazy people than Psychiatrists...look at Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon etc...

New ideas don't come from a stagnant society. They require freedom to grow, not a lid to be smothered under.

Multi-Generation Welfare Recipients are "Poor" by choice & vote to ensure they stay that way.(but complain about being poor)

Obama '08, Socialism '09, FREEDOM 2012!

APPEASEMENT:giving permission to your Enemy to enslave & KILL you....

"I will gladly(make millionaires) pay you Tuesday for a Jobs bill today..."--Whimpy Obama

Forever may not be long enough to pay back the debt that has incurred.

said he was running on "Hope&Change" but meant "Hoax&Chains"...

COMPETENCE has no skin color, EXPERIENCE has no bias, . has neither.

Nation of poor...lorded over by the ruling elite....where have I seen that (fail many times)before......?

Thanks to , most can't afford to LIVE, & NONE can afford to DIE.

Thanks to Barack, America is Baroke...

your theme now is "Hail to the Chief" bt in 2012 it will be "I fought the law and the law WON"

"Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness"- have been replaced with "Laws, Taxes, and the pursuit of Dissenters" under

As I recall, the ENGLISH tyrant didn't care much for the "Tea Party" either....

Immigration isn't the problem...ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE!!

We commit the lives of our troops to defend countries who hate us... We DAMN well better defend ! !

, you can't please everybody so just try to please the millions of Americans who want your resignation

wants US to believe he is "The 'ACCIDENTAL Taoist"

Welcome to Mister Obama's neighborhood. The land of make believe.(Located just beyond the veil of the "The Twilight Zone")

You can forget anniversaries, birthdays, & ppls names but you NEVER forget the Day your Drill Instructor calls you MARINE!

"Insanity: Electing the same people over and over and expecting less spending."

rules of engagement:Don't tweet until you see the Heights of their lies!!

America will see the new movie"Honey, we shrunk the Government" starring YOU the American PPL,in polling places Nov 2012!

END CHILD ABUSE: spay or neuter LIBERALS & Multi-generation welfare recipients.

Lack of critical thinking skills seldom deters Liberals from criticizing.

Tell you what liberals. YOU don't force your socialism on me and I won't force you to be free....

If wants to study black holes, they just need to watch taxpayer money going to Washington DC!

If you wouldn't call a community organizer to fix your toilet, why would you hire one as POTUS?

Even MORE to come!!

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