It has been a long time since I tweeted, but I have tweeted a lot since my last blog. I have had a lot of good tweets(based on the number of Re-tweets) so I will share them here. Enjoy!!
Obama '08, Socialism '09, FREEDOM 2012!
APPEASEMENT:giving permission to your Enemy to enslave & KILL you...
Not ADMITTING the enemy is at your door doesn't make you any less dead.
Here's a plan, @barackobama ! Instead of stealing from those who do & give to those who don't, make those who don't, do!
Deporting all the ILLEGAL ALIENS would cost far less than supporting them for the rest of their bloodline.
Immigration isn't the problem...ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE!!
We commit the lives of our troops to defend countries who hate us... We DAMN well better defend #ISRAEL! !
A nation(or individual) that has no consequences has no FREEDOM & only itself to blame!!
"I will gladly(make millionaires) pay you Tuesday for a Jobs bill today..."--Whimpy Obama
The harder conservatives try to pry the lid off the "oppressed", the harder the oppressed pull down on the lid.
America will see the new #TEAPARTY movie"Honey, we shrunk the Government" starring YOU the American PPL,in polling places Nov 2012!
Jimmy Carter lost claim as the Worst POTUS, & Al Capone isn't the biggest CRIMINAL to come out of CHICAGO anymore,@barackobama is both.
Libs insist we celebrate diversity while they work to eliminate individuality.
hey @barackobama --we stand a much better chance of recovery if we are "crippled" by the GOP than if we are KILLED by you!
HEY @barackobama! before we can get a DEFICIT reduction, YOU need an EGO reduction(coming soon in 2012)!
Diff between FREEMEN and SLAVES: Slaves don't need to do anything to stay that way.
Liberals who start to think for THEMSELVES turn conservative.
U will see #HanoiJaneFonda on tour with the #USO before U will see@BARACKOBAMA take responsibility for his actions.
My OATH to defend the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA expires ONLY when I do.
Blue states are turning RED from embarrassment at electing@barackobama
November 8, 2011 is the first day of the 2012 elections...Time to start cleaning @barackobama's clock.
Dems: creating then "saving" victims since 1933.
Those who don't believe in an afterlife just need to look at all the dead ppl who vote Democrat...
If we Voted for candidates based on actions and not just words, Most Democrats(and some Republicans) would never see DC.
CONSTITUTION: A dirty 12 letter word to LIBERALS & RINOS
Lack of critical thinking skills seldom deters Liberals from criticizing.
The ONLY thing that liberals "redistribute" freely of their own is their INSANITY!
"The Jeffersons" theme song today-"♫Moving down frm the East Side cuz Obama took my piece of the Pie♫"
LIBERALS--ALWAYS willing to put MY money where THEIR mouths are(but never their own, just look at Michael Moore)!
PARENTS are the "Head of Childhood Development".No government agency required.
The only one who has a problem with @barackobama's race is@barackobama so he figures everyone else must.
If you wouldn't call a community organizer to fix your toilet, why would you hire one as POTUS?
The United States is infected with the @barackobama virus. In 2012, we will uninstall @barackobama ,clean and reboot with the Constitution.
Tell you what liberals. YOU don't force your socialism on me and I won't force you to be free....
"My Pound dog is smarter than your President"-Bumper sticker(mine)
U never heard Commander Spock say "Die Quick & Redistribute."
Liberals & Toddlers property Laws
Nancy Pelosi: "Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs."(REALLY?)
The UN is nothing but a bunch of mooching spineless impotent weasels spending US Money for promoting Liberalism...there, I said it!
People who stand in one spot are sure to leave a lasting impression.
CONSTITUTION: A dirty 12 letter word to LIBERALS & RINOS
END CHILD ABUSE: spay or neuter LIBERALS & Multi-generation welfare recipients.
After he is done in 2012 as POTUS, @barackobama will take an extended tour of Fort Leavenworth(or Gitmo)as a guest of the US Tax Payer.
HEY @barackobama! That TARP you threw on the American Economy is working. It is blocking all light & hope...
You know, @barackobama Men w/honor would resign for such a disgrace, but we know there is no honor among thieves.
When u stick to your principles&values u get #RonaldReagan. When u abandon them u get #JohnMcCain. (And @barackobama)
WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER (unless the question is "Will you submit to Islam and Sharia Law?"...)
Welcome to Mister Obama's neighborhood. The land of make believe.(Located just beyond the veil of the "The Twilight Zone")
You can forget anniversaries, birthdays, & ppls names but you NEVER forget the Day your Drill Instructor calls you MARINE!
One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it.#RonaldReagan//They already do...and it does.
The state is"Enemy Of the people."
More later!!!
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