John Stephen Wright

About Me
Friday, July 31, 2009
The SIMPLE question a lib won't answer....
I have again gotten the attention of a Liberal. This one goes by the Handle of @JMRsOMA and the "Name" she has is ChitlinKraut. I started out the day as I normally do, weeding out the junk followers and lost Liberals who stumble on me. Here is what I read when I viewed her profile:
(NOTE: My Tweets will be in italics)
(@JMRsOMA)@ricksanchezDUI - I respect Ms Garafolo, you? Laughable. It's clear how some celebs waterboys and girls troll themselves on Twitter.
(@JMRsOMA)@imcrazyriter CambridgePD mishandled stupidly, right down to its written report&allegations against Whalen. Beck is stupidly opportunistic.
And this one:
(@JMRsOMA)@iamdiddy - ask Dirty Money to create a Glenn Beck song about how he should not call President Obama a racist
I at this point decided that I would reply to this person and indicate that perhaps I was not someone she would REALLY want to follow as I had a rather differing point of view that she seems to express.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA But D'OHbama IS a racist. And why should Beck be fired when Letterman didn't? You might want to Unfollow me. I hate your God Obama
A short while later I got this from here and it was ON!!
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 I know you don't want to breath the same air as me, get over it, I'm here-ain't gwoing nada block me-I don't give a rats ....
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you are not correct. I wish you no ill like your follower did me. I don't believe in sharing my wealth with leeches on society.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you are welcome to follow but u won't like what I say. Truth is scary to those who believe the lies of D'OHbama.
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - There are no moral components in your tweets - valueless
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I bring into question the Morals of a President who has skirted the Constitution, Spoke frequently about how much hates whitey...
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA He is building an empire that will crumble LONG before it gets the groundwork done.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I am thinking that my "valueless" tweets should not be seen by your oh so High Value eyes... Would not want to upset your utopia.
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 ((exhales deeply)) drops microphone and walks off stage shaking her head.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA How many followers did you say you had? Oh, 39. You must be really knocking them dead with YOUR valuable insight.
JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - U R a slacker. I didnot join this site for followglory, my egos OK, you need the glory, FYI-I've been a member 4 a minute?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I am not here for glory either. You have been here for a minute and judge my tweets VALUELESS?
JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 From what I've read, let's just say, I did not stutter. Make it a great day, if you know how, slacker.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA ok, for now I will allow you to follow me. You might get a REAL education not indoctrination.
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 Thanks for reiterating the obvious SFB
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I don't mind showing the world your ignorance. It reenforces my points of liberal closeminded behaviors.
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 I'll keep you unblocked just to read your Obama rants and get a hearty laugh
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA awww, how sweet and u may get the education u so desperately need. Y do libs attack a person instead of an idea?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA what good has D'OHbama done for this country? Notice the numbers going way down? More ppl are waking.
JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 The more appropriate question s/b what has Obama done that is "in your eyes" so evil? I don't understand your rath of him
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I could go on for years of the faker in the WH. But like evry other lib I ask that ? Of you don't answer it.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA let's start most recently with his bad case of insertfootinmouth episode with the Racist prof and the evil white cop...
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA then there is the ramming of 24 TRILLION $ of debt he has saddled my decendants with.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA let's move to his being in a church with a radical racist preacher but claims he didn't KNOW wright is a racist.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Oh, did I mention the circumventing of the Constitution by appointing more Czars than RUSSIA had, EVER?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Hmmm Socialized Medicine without letting the Congress read the plan...taking over and destroying automakers.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA starting his career in the living room of a domestic terrorist but claims he didn't know.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA sending air force one on a mission over NYC ground zero but gosh...didn't know about it.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA He incites racial tension, promotes a Nanny State, is not a US citizen and therefore not eligible to BE POTUS.
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - Are you out of breath, yet?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA the list grows by the day. Everything he does and says contradict themselves. He claims to be for whatever his audience wants
(Second time for the Unanswerable question):
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you asked. So I answered YOUR question. What GOOD has he done?
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - Wow! Testament that only skewed perceptions & personal prejudices would allow such myopic views. You're an American? Wow^2
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA So instead of answering MY question you attack my being an American? How is letting a Petty Dictator-wannabe run the US American?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Where is my Prejudice?
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 Re-read ur words. I don’t know a Bap non-radical precher. 2 can play the your descends saddled my descends with this…gameNT
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I can quote you his words, but you hear only what you want. I could show you his actions but you only see what you want.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA When asked a simple question you and most libs will go to the personal attack because you don't HAVE an answer.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA You really are not making much sense. I know my words. You asked and I answered. You REFUSE to answer my question.
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - Sad. You don't have a clue how much you are part of the problem. I have no more (today) to say to you, slacker.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA and it is a RADIAL RACIST preacher. And BO has expressed his hatred for America as well as Mad Michelle.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I have not said ANYTHING about you. Just about your point of view that need adjusting, but YOU have to do that.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Of course you don't. You can't answer my question can you? I answered yours. The "slacker" prize goes to you!
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA You must really hate your parents. No? who damaged you so badly you can't answer a simple question w/o attacking me personally?
@JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 -u are insane. Do you read what you write? No way, could anyone respond to your scatterbrained topics. Focus Fool
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I asked you ONE question. What is so hard to follow about that? Is that ONE too many?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA What I do is Political satire. Comments with a funny twist based in truth. You asked me why I hate D'OHbama and think him evil...
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Would you like me to repeat the question more slowly?
JohnSWright49 In addition to my tweets being valueless and me being a slacker, I am also an insane unfocused fool. Keep the love coming @JMRsOMA !
JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - Political satire? OMgosh, not another wannabe. Your satire is not funny, its evil like you and your twisted misinformation
JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - More accurately valueless tweets, slacker, insane unfocused, UnAmerican, fool spewing unsupported assertions
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I can support EVERYTHING I say. Can YOU? Why don't you answer the Question? Is attacking me making you feel good about Urself?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA More personal attacks. More avoidance. More excuses and still no answer to my simple question,
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA So what you are saying is that no one but YOU can have an opinion. If it differs from yours, it is insane?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I would say a POTUS who bows to Saudi Prince's and insults our long time allies is pretty UN AMERICAN.
JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - you and your million comments are not only redundant and illogical, your presence is merely to bait. No more bites here
JohnSWright49 I have succeeded in raising the little hairs on the back of @JMRsOMA 's neck. She is in full attack me personally mode.
(THIRD time I asked the Unanswerable question....geesh):
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA are not going to follow me any more. A SIMPLE question. WHAT HAS OBAMA DONE THAT IS GOOD?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA See ya. Get educated before you come back. Have a safe Government run life.
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - LOL, NO! If you know what you are doing on this site, you do not have to repeat ur misinformation for different time zones
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA LOL is right, I forget you are an expert Twitterer. Still no answer to my Question. Why do you have trouble answering?
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I have D'OHbama's OWN words and history, well documented, I might add, to back up my claims. What do YOU have?
I made mention that I had noticed later on that she had decided to stop following me. I mentioned that fact and said she might have gotten smart and unfollowed me. She replies hours later:
JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 -No because you post too many convoluted tweets & they clutter the stream on my page. You assumed wrong typical of egomaniacs
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA lol, then why won't you answer the simple question? My ego is fine. I don't need to attack ppl to feel better about me
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you can read my blog tomorrow as you star in it.
JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I am calling it "the simple question that a lib won't answer"
And here,@JMRsOMA, here is my promised fame for your words of Wisdom!
I am Unfunny Political Satire Wannabe, with valueluess tweets, an insane unfocused Un-American Foolish Slacker spewing unsupported assertions.
I am still looking for the answer to that question.
There you have it...
John S. Wright
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Let's Say I broke into your house....
Let's say I break into your house
A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!!! It explains
things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.
Her point:
Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country
protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of
illegal immigration.
Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders,
might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to not
stay indefinitely.
Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me
in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, 'No! I like it here. It's better than my house. I've made all
the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors.
I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and
(except for when I broke into your house).
According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to feed me
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family
My husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working
and honest. (except for that breaking in part).
If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends
who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my
RIGHT to be there.
It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and
I'm just trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working and honest,
person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house.
And what a deal it is for me!!!
I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my
keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of
uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, and I DEMAND that you learn
MY LANGUAGE!!! so that you can communicate with me.
Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?!
America is populated and governed by idiots.
If you agree, pass it on (in English).
If not blow it off.........
along with your future Social Security funds and a lot of the former
benefits of being an American Citizen.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
More Twitter Rants
It has been a week since I Blogged, so here is my latest. It is in no particular order, but it covers a WIDE range of topics from the wonderfully effective United Nations(gag) to the Radical Racist "Professor Gates" at my Great time 8 Grandfather's College, Harvard. So enjoy the read, and away we go!!
You can forget anniversaries, birthdays, and ppls names but you NEVER forget the Day your Drill Instructor calls you MARINE!
Remember when BO started his career is the home of Bill Ayers and DIDN'T know he was a terrorist?
Remember when the Pilots took Air Force One out for a Joy ride over NYC at Ground Zero and BO didn't KNOW about it?
Remember when 100s of 1000s of people from EVERY party got together for Tea on tax day and BO didn't know about it?
NEW Game out:"World of Borecraft" I am a 3rd level Apology Wizard. Goal is to Be POTUS BO
BO says: "Disproportionate # of minorities arrested" I say:"Disproportionate # of minorities COMMIT CRIME" Duh!
Liberals don't even take responsibility for blaming others for not taking responsibility!
The shaking in Iran's boots at Gates threat of UN action is laughter not fear.
"Reaganomics" worked for America. "Obamanomics" works against America.
Stealing an idea from Capital One D'OHbaba orders his pic imprinted on all welfare cards. What's in YOUR wallet?
Remember BO promising a PRIVATE army as big and well funded as the UNITED STATES MILITARY? For WHAT?
All the UN can do about Iran is a little Dinner Knife Rattling.
Lemmie see if I got this right...slavery happened, so now when you do dumb(criminal) things its ok becuz your ancestor was a slave
Sec. Of Defense Gates threatens Iran with UN...didn't know he did standup comedy...
Political scientist Jerry McBeath said "In the context of 305 million Americans, 100,000 is not a lot of followers," Re:@AKgovsarahpalin
Remember the first act of "President Obama" was sealing his records but insisting he has nothing to hide?
The amount of freedom you have is inversely proportional to the size of your government.
Remember BO promising a PRIVATE army as big and well funded as the UNITED STATES MILITARY? For WHAT?
Guess the Apology Tour didn't work, they are STILL blowing up Americans.
Remember when BHO said no bill will be signed or voted on until it was available to the public via internet for a time?
The @whitehouse IS transparent..well,.except for who visits..and policies..and eligibility...and associations....
Remember when BO said he would Balance the Budget? I think he meant 100 yrs from now after our grndchildren are done paying for his debt.
Libs enslave our childrens minds through Public Education seek now to enslave their bodies through welfare.
THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS-Leading the way since 1775! Semper Fidelis Brother and sister Marines!
Robert Gibbs can turn a three word answer into a five minute hem and haw(or even Hee Haw) session.
D'OHbaba says:"I only know what the telepromper and Michelle WANT me to know"
A leader leads from the front, a ruler pushes from behind. Get ur hands off my butt D'OHbama!
D'OHbama's Ego is writing checks even China won't cash!
Women would consider D'OHbama a typical man....lost and won't ask for directions and can't read the Constitution Map.
D'OHbama read the Constitution. He just considers it a fictional short story.
Think of the fun we could have with BO if a RW hacker got into the Telepromper....
Mr. D'OHbaba...Think of the Tea Parties as a "Learning moment"
I may not be able to throw 100 mph fastballs, but I could get it over the plate.
You can forget anniversaries, birthdays, and ppls names but you NEVER forget the Day your Drill Instructor calls you MARINE!
Remember when BO started his career is the home of Bill Ayers and DIDN'T know he was a terrorist?
My Bologna Hs a 1st name,it's B A R O K,My Bologna hs a 2nd Name its O b a m a.ask me y I'll say cuz Barok Obama has a way w/b o l o g n a
Almost amusing that the Man who sits the Furthest from the Field talks about having "Skin in the Game".
Remember when BO went to "Rev"Wright's church for 20 yrs and DIDNT know Wright was a racist?
This is one of MY favs...Remember the BHO TRANSPARENCY?
"The Jeffersons" new theme song today:"Moving back down frm the East Side cuz Obama took my piece of the Pie"
Biden, D'OHbama and Pelosi star in "The Bad, the Badder, and the ButtUgly"
Why is it not racist to have BET but would be if we had WET? (Besides it not sounding right?)
They need to schedule D'OHbama's Press Conferences later...He aint ready for Prime Time.
Remember, its all fun and games until D'Ohbama gets impeached.(Then its PARTY TIME!)
Those who can, LEAD, those who can't, RULE!
Word of advice to D'OHbama: Man who fart on Flames of Freedom get ass burned!
ALL new bills in Senate and Congress must be twitter more than 140 chrs so we know they read them.
D'OHbamaLittle got hit in the head with an ACORN and now is running around telling us "The Sky is Falling!!"
Mr. POTUS: We can no longer wait to act. We need to see your resignation on Our desk by 8AM tomorrow Morning!
ILLEGAL ALIENS HAVE ONE RIGHT.....They have the right to get the HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY or be shot@
D'OHbama to taxpayers: "If I want your opinion, I would give it to you."
All of D'OHbama's TV appearances should have a warning label "Will cause Nausea and Brain damage" and be rated "L" for Lies
I will post more "Gems" later.
Monday, July 20, 2009
A SALUTE to Shifty Powers
We're hearing a lot today and this past week about BIG, national-wide splashy memorial services.
I suggest a nationwide memorial service for Darrell "Shifty" Powers.
Who is Shifty Powers?
Shifty volunteered for the airborne in WWII and served with Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st Airborne Infantry. If you've seen Band of Brothers on HBO or the History Channel, you know Shifty. His character appears in all 10 episodes, and Shifty himself is interviewed in several of them.
I met Shifty in the Philadelphia airport several years ago. I didn't know who he was at the time. I just saw an elderly gentleman having trouble reading his ticket. I offered to help, assured him that he was at the right gate, and noticed the "Screaming Eagle", the symbol of the 101st Airborne, on his hat.
Making conversation, I asked him if he'd been in the 101st Airborne or if his son was serving. He said quietly that he had been in the 101st. I thanked him for his service, then asked him when he served, and how many jumps he made.
Quietly and humbly, he said "Well, I guess I signed up in 1941 or so, and was in until sometime in 1945 . . . " at which point my heart skipped.
At that point, again, very humbly, he said "I made the 5 training jumps at Toccoa, and then jumped into Normandy . . . . do you know where Normandy is?" At this point my heart stopped.
I told him yes, I know exactly where Normandy was, and I know what D-Day was. At that point he said "I also made a second jump into Holland, into Arnhem." I was standing with a genuine war hero . . . . and then I realized that it was June, just after the anniversary of D-Day.
I asked Shifty if he was on his way back from France, and he said "Yes. And it's real sad because these days so few of the guys are left, and those that are, lots of them can't make the trip." My heart was in my throat and I didn't know what to say.
I helped Shifty get onto the plane and then realized he was back in Coach, while I was in First Class. I sent the flight attendant back to get him and said that I wanted to switch seats. When Shifty came forward, I got up out of the seat and told him I wanted him to have it, that I'd take his in coach.
He said "No, son, you enjoy that seat. Just knowing that there are still some who remember what we did and still care is enough to make an old man very happy." His eyes were filling up as he said it. And mine are brimming up now as I write this.
Shifty died on June 17, 2009 after fighting cancer.
There was no parade.
No big event in Staples Center.
No wall to wall back to back 24x7 news coverage.
No weeping fans on television.
And that's not right.
Let's give Shifty his own Memorial Service, online, in our own quiet way. Please forward this email to everyone you know. Especially to the Veterans.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Addendum to the previous Blogging
John S. Wright
The lefties attack me...AGAIN
@janicedwhs in Sotomayors case, justice isn't blind, just wearing shaded glasses.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Just because you came here from another country (like we all did) doesn't make you a reverse racist. Sotomayor is american
@Dufus what does her coming from another country have to do with her RACIST views and opinions reflected in her rulings?
@Dufus and there is NO such thing as REVERSE Racism... Racism is racism no matter WHO does it!
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Pull your head out of your ass. Sotomayor is getting confirmed and no cross burning bigot can stop it! ha ha!
@Dufus. LOVE talking to ppl like you... Let's see...I am a racist bcuz I don't like D'OHbama, a RW robot, etc... U Lefties make me chuckle
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Is she racist because of one decision out of hundreds? Or because Rush Limbaugh said so? Sotomayor wins!
@Dufus I bet you were first in line for Bush Bashing day weren't you? Sorry moron, I don't believe in socialsm. Mayb u want the state 2 -->
@Dufus care for you but I don't. Where did Rush come in? Did I mention him? Oh yeah LeftstreamMedia appointed him spokesman..I speak 4 ME!
Dufus@JohnSWright49 The republicans will trash anything Obama does.. It's getting old. Kind of like a kid whining that is what the repub party is
Dufus@JohnSWright49 You want a racist.. look at the klan rally's Palin held!
@Dufus what is it about NOT WANTING socialism and TRILLION dollar deficits and BAILOUTS u LIBS don't GET?
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Are you a racist? Does it make you mad a educated black man made it to the white house for the first time and has more power?
@Dufus you are "Color blind". I pity you. You can't see the destruction of our country because he is black.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 What happen to your love of country when baby bush was in office? It's only your country if the right color is in office?
Dufus@JohnSWright49 I really like men like you.. I love my country I serve it.. until they put a black man in charge.. Now what?
Dufus@JohnSWright49 You need to understand, my vote counts even if you don't like the color of his skin this is the United States not Russia.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Ok.. Glenn Beck which ever little wussy alcoholic you want to follow..
@Dufus no. I would rather follow a POTUS who used cocaine... MUCH better choice.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 I love the way you try and shove socialism into this Where do you think GM and banks (and people) would be if we did nothing?
@Dufus thank you. You are appropriatly named and will make a great read in my blog as an example of limited intellegence
Dufus@JohnSWright49 If you want to call it socialism fine.. I call it greed from Wall St. and survival for us. Your an idiot.
@Dufus U Are catching on...the WHOLE THING is about SOCIALISM!!! It is about having a POTUS who is not ELIGABLE to be..
@Dufus It is about apologizing to other Countries for HELPING them rid themselves of tyrants like HE is.
@Dufus it is about him hanging out with a racist minister for 20 years and a TERRORIST in Bill Ayers.
@Dufus it is about him having ONLY "community organizing" as his ONLY qualification to lead the GREATEST NATION on EARTH
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Oh give me a break. Do you remember George Bush and his fun war in Iraq? That cost us our standing in the world.
@Dufus I could NOT care less what "THE WORLD" thinlks about us. The right thing is not always popular.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Who didn't use drugs? Find me someone that walks on water and is a virgin..
Dufus@JohnSWright49 People suffering, YOU REPUBLICANS DON'T GET
@Dufus people are suffering because they won't get off their lazy asses and go to work. They are suffering bcuz ILLEGAL aliens steal
Dufus@JohnSWright49 If Obama nominated GOD you would have a problem.
@Dufus you think ppl are suffering now? Wait till D'OHbama makes poor ppl out of all of us. YOU are NOT entitled to be taken care of!!
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Your a retard. He is an american with a birth certificate. I wasn't born in the US my dad was in the service am I american?
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Give you a hint... YOU BET YOUR DAMN ASS I AM!
Dufus@JohnSWright49 We need to apologize to other countries, Bush broke laws and cowboy justice is just plain stupid. We evolved, Bush didn't!
Dufus@JohnSWright49 So the asswipes that are out there now.. like yourself calling our president a terrorist are you better than Bill Ayers?
Dufus@JohnSWright49 The idiots that spew hate because of his skin color.. does that make you better than Rev Wright? Your all the same!
@Dufus you just amaze me. You have called me names, insulted my race, and yet I don't respond. Yes I am a better person than you are.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Hate to tell you this.. Your wrong. The only people that belong here are the indians
@Dufus LOL you really fit the title of "sheeple". You hate ppl who don't agree with you and attack them. I said nothing about Palin 2-->
@Dufus u or Rush or anyone BUT D'OHbama...but they all worked their way into your attack. Does it make u feel better?
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Wow.. you really are stupid
@Dufus OK. I have had enough fun teasing the brainless for now. You wallow in your hatred and I will go about restoring ny liberty from BO(I left him to ramble on from here)
Dufus@JohnSWright49 We are not the greatest nation.. but we will be again as soon as Obama puts Bush and Cheney in jail.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 We are a nation of laws and Bush broke them all..
Dufus@JohnSWright49 If I insulted your race I insulted my own.. and we deserve it.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 Do you get to chose who gets care? The last time I checked.. god hasn't come back yet and your not him.
Dufus@JohnSWright49 No, your not a better person than I am.. I'm not a bigot who watches people suffer for fun!
Dufus@JohnSWright49 You probably fuck sheep.. VD has effected your brain and fighting with you is hurting my head stupidity hurts and you have it
There you have it folks. I looked at his tweets after I got ready for work and this is something he posted to his Lib-buddies:
@GHANASNOW @bbb1962 My vote today for white trash goes to.... JohnSWright49 for not only being stupid but showing it too!
I will leave you to make your own decisions as to who was right or wrong on this matter.
Thanks for the read,
John S. Wright
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I did it again.....
Today, I am writing another tale of an encounter on Twitter that I had last night regarding one of my twitterings. It all started when I posted the following Tweet:
@Paceset9999 they celebrate a molester and condemn @akgovsarahpalin for quiting her governership.
From that tweet, I got a reply from @drealities and the following Tweetersation occurred:
@JohnSWright49 Actually that guy said he lied about #MJ molesting him. At least #MJ fought 2 clear his name, @akgovsarahpalin is a quitter!
@drealities of COURSE he said he lied...for 20 million I would deny my own name! Let's count all the dems who "qiut" the post they were ...
@JohnSWright49 No dear, he recently admitted it AFTER his death. It was "the christian thing to do." No money was exchanged.
@drealities yeah, that is what I would say can celebrate his life I am celebrating his death
@JohnSWright49 The only thing @akgovsarahpalin is good for is putting her foot in her mouth & making herself look like a moron in the media.
@JohnSWright49 PS, we won by a landslide because McCain picked @akgovsarahpalin so thank you Sarah for making it so easy in 08!
@drealities you won by a "Landslide"? What planet do YOU live on. I think u have been sniffing your hair products a bit too much.
@drealities D'OHbama wears his shoe in his mouth even when he ISN'T talking.
@drealities why does lefty loonie fear her so much? Y'all have a long history of attacking those you fear.
@JohnSWright49 Believe whatever helps you sleep better at night. Go watch Fox news and cry about it. ;)
@drealities I don't sleep well at night with a Socialist at the helm. Who said ANYTHING about Fox? You gunna call me a Racist next?
@drealities I can't wait to Blog this conversation! You give me so much to work with!
@JohnSWright49 Oh no, not the right wing spin on a blog! I'm so afraid! Please, I've dealt with your kind enough that it's laughable at best
@drealities My Kind? You mean people who can see through all the Hype and see our country heading down a road to destruction? I bet you have
@JohnSWright49 Hmm, let me guess, other right wing robots? Poor things, I take pity on anyone who considered voting Palin into office. Bye:D
@drealities Besides it is your predictability that I am going to blog about....YOUR words that will be used. Ppl can draw their own thoughts
@drealities I have dealt with crazy people all my life, so what is one more. Why do you want to steal my money?
@drealities Did you ever join the Military? You sit back and enjoy the freedom that the United States Military provides.
@JohnSWright49 Actually jarhead, assumptions make and ass, and you know the rest ;) I was in the Army. So try, try again. :)
@JohnSWright49 BTW, I didn't agree with the Wall Street bail outs at ALL. I'm also pro guns, so once again, assumptions...
@drealities Who gave you the right to take MY money and give it to some welfare sucking ILLEGAL ALIEN?
@drealities Who gave you the right to tell me what I can or can not eat, what I can or cannot wear?
@drealities You need to wake up from your drug induced coma and look around you. He isn't going just after MY are on his list
@JohnSWright49 And btw, I've never done drugs in my life. Way to stereotype a dem though. Classy, very Conservative of you! ;)
@drealities So why do you hate America?
@JohnSWright49 If I hated America, I'd have voted Palin in so she could run it into the ground, honey!
@drealities Why do you want to steal other ppls money to give to the lazy assholes of the world?
@JohnSWright49 Hey, you started it love. Ask and ye shall receive...
@drealities I am assuming you support socialism when you support a brainer on that one
@drealities and keep your gun handy, because they will come for you. Even with your lefty leanings, you were ex-military therefore RW Mil.
@drealities You avoid the REAL issues though...those of stealing from My daughter and grandkids. Where did your hate start?
@drealities Shall we discuss the assumption you made about me?
@drealities Why do you hate Palin? She is smarter than D'OHbama, has a LOT better ideas than D'OHbama, and HAS A BIRTH CERT.
@drealities and you won't answer why you think it is OK to steal money from people. Why do you believe in Redistributing wealth?>
@JohnSWright49 That woman is a moron. He has more intelligence in his pinky toe than she has in her whole brain.
@drealities And he sure shows it every day when he apologizes all over the world for America's greatness as he works to destroy it.
@JohnSWright49 She made a mockery of women in politics and single handedly set us back farther than imaginable.
@JohnSWright49 I think McCain is a good, honorable man who's served this nation well. She is a disgrace to women everywhere.
@drealities I can see where wanting a strong Military, energy independence, SMALLER federal Gov. is a disgrace to women...
@JohnSWright49 I don't believe in redistributing wealth, I believe EVERYONE should work for what they get if they're able.
@JohnSWright49 I don't think the uber rich should get tons of tax breaks & just keep getting richer while the poor pay hand over fist either
@drealities I can see why you chose your name. You live in a dream world. Well, when we are fighting for YOUR freedom, you Might wake.
@JohnSWright49 Actually, use ur brain just a tad and u'll see it means "where dreams meet reality." It must b a lefty thing2 think that hard
@drealities The "Poor" don't pay for anything.
@JohnSWright49 Right, tell that to the guys working at Wal-Mart for 7 an hour losing their check to taxes while the corp is sitting pretty.
@JohnSWright49 People can't even afford health insurance and you're bitching about "socialism" when he offers to help them?
@drealities "for 7 an hour losing their check to taxes" and YOU want to RAISE the taxes even more!!
@JohnSWright49 Go drill for some oil, kill all of our ocean life, and keep driving your Hummers. Screw the Earth, right? It's all about YOU!
@drealities Love when the left uses the argument that we humans are SO powerful we can do all that...Bet you buy Global warming too
@JohnSWright49 Goodbye, John & good riddance. If u still serve our gr8 country, perhaps u should show sum respect 2 ur commander in chief!
@drealities I can't respect someone who has no respect for anyone but himself. I believe it was YOU who started this tweet.
So there you have it,
John S. Wright
Monday, July 6, 2009
More of my RE Tweets
The ELEPHANT in the room, that the Left Stream Media has ignored, is about to step all over them.
Die for freedom or live in slavery....NO Brainer.
D'ohbama orders CIA interrogaters to undergo "terrorist sensitivity training"
The Cure for America's Impotence: Impeach D'OHbama and friends
ALMOST X Rated: I want my heaven to have a Red Lobster Restaurant with all u can eat Virgins Month.
Light at the end of the tunnel turned off for excessive carbon emissions
D'OHbama overheard on trip to Russia.."It's GOOD to be da King."
The ONLY reason an UNQUALIFIED person got elected was COLOR...GREEN
A Good Liberal will apologize for apologizing when he runs out of things to apologize for.
I have a GREAT new book on Improving your MEMORY but I can't remember where I left it.
Ppl have told me that MJ was not a child molester....I say if it moonwalks like a duck....
Ever notice that artificial things cost more? Take D'OHbama for example...
D'OHbama: the FIRST politician to admit he is both FOR AND AGAINST every issue.
When u stick to your principles u get Reagan. When u abandon them u get McCain. (And D'OHbama)
There you have it.
John S. Wright
He Said, She Said
The Offending Tweet:
ABC special we will never see::"Raised to hate:The Obama Children"
My intent was to say that the Obama children are being raised to hate. Raised to hate America and raised to hate "white Folks" just like their parents.
The Tweetisation started out ok.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 Just lovin' that freedom of speech aren't ya?! :)
@AundrayC I have to use my freedom of speech before they come and muzzle my fingers!
Then I made the "offending" tweet.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 okay after that one... bye bye...
@AundrayC which one? I jabber so much I have a hard time keeping up with me...
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 I get that you hate Obama... but the one about the kids was a bit much! I'm just wondering where this bipartisanship is?
@AundrayC both Obamas have expressed a hatred for this country and "white ppl". The point of that was the hatred the kids are being taught
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 OBAMA is mixed like me and about a majority of this country. I don't hate the white part of me.. He'd have to hate himself!
@AundrayC funny we didn't hear outrage from the left when letterman was actually talking about Palins girl.
@AundrayC as far as being bi-partisan I never made such a claim and lie as D'OHbama and his masters have.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 We should try to be bipartisan! Fact:You can't please everybody. Why is everyone trying so hard to work against each other?
@AundrayC I would agree that D"OHbama does hate himself and so does Michelle. They have stated their hatred for America publically.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 "Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together." Jesse Jackson (sorry he's black)
@AundrayC jesse jackson. Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright have expressed many bigoted and hate filled views.
@AundrayC and I don't hate D'OHbama for his color. I hate him for his destruction of this Country and her liberty.
That's it folks. It comes down to where the punctuation is places and whether a person reads it. I ASSUME she read my tweet as I was that people were beng taught to HATE the Obama kids. I am not sure where bipartisan came from as it had nothing to do with what we were talking about. I have stated before in my twitterings and on here that my hated for D'OHbama is bound to his policies of total destruction of my country. So there you have it!
John S. Wright
Sunday, July 5, 2009
How did THIS man get elected?
January 24, 2008
D'OHbama was asked about stripping millions of dollars from a child welfare office in Chicago that he voted for. He stated "I was not aware that I had voted no." in the June 2002 vote and asked that the record be changed to reflect that he "INTENDED to vote yes" (Emphasis mine) It seems to me that his intentions are almost always contrary to his actual votes, except when it comes to his hatred of this great land.,1,7079399.story
December 9, 2008
In a Blog by Ben Smith, he points out that D'ohbama claims he was not aware of Blagojevich's alleged attempt to sell his vacant senate seat. This is another thing that he would have been aware of in spite of his claim to the contrary.
March 7, 2007
In a Fox News story D'OHbama stated that he was not aware that he had invested in two companies backed by some of his top donors and did nothing to aid their business before the government. Yeah.....right.,2933,257350,00.html
November 2, 2008
D'OHbama's Aunt, who is STILL in this country ILLEGALLY was the subject of a Boston Globe report. He again claims ignorance and said that he was not aware that she was reportedly in the country illegally. The D'OHbama masters must have missed this one. She had been here for a long time and told 4 years earlier to leave the United States. In spite of this bombshell that would have destroyed a Conservative candidate, he was able to dodge another bullet.
April 15, 2009
In a NewsBusters story posted on this date, and in MANY other stories, it was reported that BO was not aware of the planned Tea Parties across the nation. If he is so much in touch with the American people, HOW did this MAJOR event slip past him. Easy. Since he is a Democrat, and it has been shown OVER AND OVER again that Democrats don't pay their taxes, he was not aware that April 15 is the deadline for tax filings for the Federal Income Taxes.
October 24, 2007
Sun Times News Group reported that at a Gospel Concert in South Carolina, where D'OHbama demonstrated his ability to talk out of BOTH sides of his mouth, that a Gay minister was invited to sing at one of the concerts.
Criticism over McClurkin — who performed at the 2004 GOP convention and says he used to be gay — has been building over the last several days, fueled by Web-based commentators. At the same time, the Obama camp is on the defensive on another front because a Nevada African Americans for Obama event launched Wednesday included boxing champion Floyd Mayweather, who has domestic-violence convictions on his record.
The Obama campaign was not aware of McClurkin’s views, and it seems Mayweather’s legal problems escaped campaign notice.
What a surprise!!,sweet102507.stng
May 24, 2008
The "Reverend Jeremiah Wright" Issue. This is the one where he sat in a church for 20 YEARS, listened to the minister, and didn't hear all the hate that was spewed. There are a lot of stories that address this particular issue, and this one covers it quite well. READ the STORY
There are MILLIONS of hits when searching for stories about the continuing LACK OF AWARENESS of this person who is supposed to keep us safe. My conclusion of this whole debolicle is that SOMEONE SOMEWHERE is putting a teflon wall around his pile of crap. He isn't smart enough to do it himself. He was groomed for this and when the Puppet Masters are exposed his whole plan of world domination will fall apart.
I hope all had an enjoyable 4th of July, our INDEPENDENCE DAY! Now the fight must begin anew to rid our country of this fake.
John S. Wright
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Some of my RTed Tweets
@whitehouse WE the people can't afford you, got any spare CHANGE?
I can NO LONGER trust my LIBERTY to anyone but ME!
Diff btween being passionate abt ur cause and radical; passionate ppl don't strap bombs on kids to "make a point"
A shout out to all the Terrorists who were killed by our troops! TY for dying for your cause and not taking me with you!
Liberals are the boil on the ass of America.
NO Mr. D'OHbama, working with ACORN does NOT count as Military Service.
I think D'OHbama's next Apology Tour should be here at home. He has a lot to apologize for.
D'OHbama's plan for the United States almost reads like the classic African Scam e-mail.
FLASH: Palin quits for all the RIGHT reasons. If the left can't find scandal, they will make one.
By closing Gitmo, D'OHbama is saving and creating terrorists.
GW Bush being questioned in Michael Jackson Death... News at 11
A shout out to all the Terrorists who were killed by our troops! TY for dying for your cause and not taking me with you!
ACORN protesting banks that won't lower standards for Terrorists to get home loans.
Gov. Printing Office makes mistake and sends tweet to wrong POTUS. "Your 'authentic' birth cert is ready. Wink wink"
REPORT: Billy Mays killed for refusing to hawk "Obama's Apology Tour Video"(with popup action figures)
D'OHbama is digging up Groucho Marx to head a new game show "You bet your Healthcare"
If the GOP politicians who are coming out strong now had protected us, we would not have to do our own protection!
LEFT STREAM MEDIA is the Benedict Arnold of our times.
They have planned out the destruction of the USA for a long time. no 1 just woke up and said"I think I will destroy liberty 2day"
D'OHbama and his masters are following the Iranian thing closely. They want to see how THEY squash the freedom loving PPL.
D'OHbama orders teachers to eliminate tests to reduce the chance of failure.
D'OHbama orders recall of all money that has 'In God we Trust". Replaced with "In Gov. We trust"
PPL say to me "Give D'OHbama a chance." They are right, he hasn't started on picking my OTHER pocket.
D'OHbama imports Dr.'s from Sweden. Orders everyone to have BOTH sex organs to eliminate gender differences.
I caught a whiff of a foul odor this morning. I just found out D'OHbama is in VA today.
D"OHbama orders playgrounds to cease all "ring around the rosie" activity citing 2 reported injuries when 'we all fall down'
D'Ohbama's plan for American's retiring involves making everyone's 401k's equal: 0
D'OHbama's plan for our Military: Turn all our bases into amusement parks and make the Generals into Ride Operators.
any1 who doesn't believe D'OHbama cares 4 the Handicapped 4gets he hired a press secretary with an umm er ah Speech Impediment
D'OHbama orders all words to be One-Syllable so his Press Secretary can look more articulate.
WHEN Lunatics Collide: PETACORN: People for the Extinction of Allegations Concerning Obamas REAL Nationality
FLASH: Statue of Liberty extinguishes flame and was last seen swimming toward France.
D'OHbama rids us of light bulbs...what do we get now when we have an idea?
D'OHbama orders Gibbs to shorten tongue so he will stop tripping over it.(this works on a couple levels)
D'OHbama offers reward of $50 Obamabucks for info leading to the disappearance of a RW coworker or family member. No limit
D'OHbama orders NFL to convert to Flag football to reduce injuries.
D'OHbama orders basketball hoops lowered to make it fair for shorter NBA players.
Reporters are not content reporting news, they want to BE the news.
The ONLY thing transparent about D'OHbamassiah is his hatred 4 the USofA and his desire to destroy it.
Politicians repackage the same set of lies every election. "Transparancy" my ass! (Not the dem 1)
We need a twitter Paul Revere! "One if by #Limo, two if by #Air Force 1..."