I guess my little "sayings" on Twitter are causing a stir. These little ditties just come to me while I go about the business of living my life and since many people have been foolish enough to follow me, I can now share them. :) I will start with the "offending" Tweet, explain what I meant, and the ensuing tweetisation I had with @AundrayC .
The Offending Tweet:
ABC special we will never see::"Raised to hate:The Obama Children"
My intent was to say that the Obama children are being raised to hate. Raised to hate America and raised to hate "white Folks" just like their parents.
The Tweetisation started out ok.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 Just lovin' that freedom of speech aren't ya?! :)
@AundrayC I have to use my freedom of speech before they come and muzzle my fingers!
Then I made the "offending" tweet.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 okay after that one... bye bye...
@AundrayC which one? I jabber so much I have a hard time keeping up with me...
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 I get that you hate Obama... but the one about the kids was a bit much! I'm just wondering where this bipartisanship is?
@AundrayC both Obamas have expressed a hatred for this country and "white ppl". The point of that was the hatred the kids are being taught
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 OBAMA is mixed like me and about a majority of this country. I don't hate the white part of me.. He'd have to hate himself!
@AundrayC funny we didn't hear outrage from the left when letterman was actually talking about Palins girl.
@AundrayC as far as being bi-partisan I never made such a claim and lie as D'OHbama and his masters have.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 We should try to be bipartisan! Fact:You can't please everybody. Why is everyone trying so hard to work against each other?
@AundrayC I would agree that D"OHbama does hate himself and so does Michelle. They have stated their hatred for America publically.
AundrayC @JohnSWright49 "Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together." Jesse Jackson (sorry he's black)
@AundrayC jesse jackson. Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright have expressed many bigoted and hate filled views.
@AundrayC and I don't hate D'OHbama for his color. I hate him for his destruction of this Country and her liberty.
That's it folks. It comes down to where the punctuation is places and whether a person reads it. I ASSUME she read my tweet as I was that people were beng taught to HATE the Obama kids. I am not sure where bipartisan came from as it had nothing to do with what we were talking about. I have stated before in my twitterings and on here that my hated for D'OHbama is bound to his policies of total destruction of my country. So there you have it!
John S. Wright
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