John Stephen Wright

About Me
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My First Blog
In this, my first blog, I will sort of explain what my goals are, what I plan on writing about(and WHO), comments about life and anything that comes to my (w)right Wing mind. I am pretty disgusted with the system that currently exists today. Republicans and Democrats are destroying our way of life. Democrats are doing it Overtly by trying to turn this Nation into the Failed(MANY times failed) system of SOCIALISM and Republicans, who should have protected us from the election of a SOCIALIST, Barack Insane D'OHbama had not found their voice until AFTER he got elected. This first Blog will not have a real focus as there are so many things that need addressing and will require a separate heading. I was born and raised until I was 15 in the City of Binghamton, NY. I have 13 siblings(7 Brothers and 6 sisters) and from looking at my extensive family tree, that was the norm for many of my ancestors. I am a direct decendant of Charles Chauncey, the second president of Harvard and through him to many Royal Families, including Charlemagne. Both of my parents, Harold Marvin Wright and Helen Ruth (Doolittle) Wright have passed to whatever place they sent themselves. My father was in the Army of the United States, Myself and my Brother Dave were in the United States Marine Corps, A sister and 2 Brothers in the United States Navy, and other brothers serve as Fire Fighters(My Brother here in Norfolk is a Captain). We cover the map of the United States. I joined the Marines when I was 17 on the "Delayed Enlistment Program" in 1977 and went to Boot Camp in 1978. I went to aviation training at the Memphis(Millington) NAS in TN and then was posted in Southern CA at the MCAS(H)Tustin base for most of my 6 years. I originally signed up for 4 years but re-enlisted for 2 extra years. From there I returned to Binghamton New York where after a few odd jobs, including some in Security, I ended up working on an acute Care Psych unit for 17 years of my life. In 2004, I got "downsized" because I was one of the last full time employees and at the top of my pay scale. I moved to Norfolk, Virginia with my Daughter, that I had raised from 1 1/2 years old. She finished high school down here and is currently doing very well as a 21 year old computer programmer. I have pretty much always been conservative, although I am not 100% conservative. While religion has some part in politics. I don't believe that you have to be religious to be conservative. I do like many of the things that Libertarians bring to the table. I believe that Liberty is under full-scale assault right now by D'OHbama and his gang. More on that later. I must get ready to go to work at the Norfolk International Airport. As time permits I will post more later. Thank you for reading!! You can follow me on Twitter under @JohnSWright49
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Hey John, great blog, hope I can come back again
ReplyDeleteand again. I need some pictures of me when I was a boy, boy. Talk to you soon.