Tomorrow is the 4th of July, 2009. To me, it was a time to get together with whatever brothers and sisters were in the area, (since 2004, here in Norfolk) at my brother's house and swim in the pool and then when as it got dark, either go out on my Brother's boat to watch the fireworks on the Chesapeake Bay or head downtown and watch the fireworks on the James River. Ah, memories.
This year, I have a profound fear that this will be the last Celebration of our freedom and independence for a while. This year, for the first time in my life, I fear. I am watching, almost daily, this GREAT country being sucked down the abyss of Socialism. I am not sure how D'OHbama and his crew of LIEberals think that somehow, someway, a form of government that has a really poor track record is going to work. This country threw off the chains of TYRANNY 233 years ago. My ancestors and many of yours said, "hey, this King George is trying to keep us in chains. " So they came up with a plan. The Declaration of Independence was written(and posted below) and all the reasons why they felt it was time to rid themselves of the King. I re-read the document not too long ago, and except for the date on it, it could have been written today. The simularity between what happened then and is happening now made my jaw hit the floor. All the safeguards that were put into the followup document, the Constitution of the United States, seem to have been circumvented. WHO is the one that is doing it? D'OHbama? I don't think he is smart enough to do it. I believe that there is a secret group of persons who have set this whole "Destroy America" movement up and they are using D'OHbama to achieve that. How then do we keep our freedom? We have already lost many and had the very document that forms the basis for this Great Nation spit on. This is no longer a fight to KEEP our freedom and LIBERTY. It is a fight to take back that which was stolen by that secret group who hates who we are, and what we have done. It is a fight we can't afford to lose. Tea Parties, symbols of our dissent, are going to happen tomorrow all over the country. The "Left Stream Media"(more on the wanna-be actors who "report" the news later) may or may not cover it, as they did with the first one. I am sure we will hear that D'OHbama was not aware of the Tea Parties and has no comment. He speaks out when his masters tell him it is ok to say something. (More on Iran and North Korea in a future Blog). I have seen a few presidents in the 49 years I have been here on this planet, and I am very glad it happened to be in the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH. None of them scared me like this one does. I fear for my life, I fear for my job, I fear for my Daughter's future, I fear for this country. This fear has motivated me to speak out. It has provided me with the ability to overcome my nature of living and let live. I must now lend my voice to the growing swell of voices across this land that are saying STOP. WE DON'T WANT WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO OUR NATION.
I have to work this weekend. I will be at my posts at the Norfolk International Airport. I won't be seeing the fireworks or spending time with my family this weekend. I will be thinking about how I am going to do my part to throw a rope down to our Nation and pull it back up the cliff that D'OHbama and his masters have pushed us off. We still cling to an outcrop and we can repair the damage, but we will be forever scarred by this.
John S. Wright
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