John Stephen Wright

John Stephen Wright

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According to Janet Nepalotano I am a Right Wing extremist.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I did it again.....

Greetings fellow earth wanderer,

Today, I am writing another tale of an encounter on Twitter that I had last night regarding one of my twitterings. It all started when I posted the following Tweet:

@Paceset9999 they celebrate a molester and condemn @akgovsarahpalin for quiting her governership.

From that tweet, I got a reply from @drealities and the following Tweetersation occurred:

@JohnSWright49 Actually that guy said he lied about #MJ molesting him. At least #MJ fought 2 clear his name, @akgovsarahpalin is a quitter!

@drealities of COURSE he said he lied...for 20 million I would deny my own name! Let's count all the dems who "qiut" the post they were ...

@JohnSWright49 No dear, he recently admitted it AFTER his death. It was "the christian thing to do." No money was exchanged.

@drealities yeah, that is what I would say can celebrate his life I am celebrating his death

@JohnSWright49 The only thing @akgovsarahpalin is good for is putting her foot in her mouth & making herself look like a moron in the media.

@JohnSWright49 PS, we won by a landslide because McCain picked @akgovsarahpalin so thank you Sarah for making it so easy in 08!

@drealities you won by a "Landslide"? What planet do YOU live on. I think u have been sniffing your hair products a bit too much.

@drealities D'OHbama wears his shoe in his mouth even when he ISN'T talking.

@drealities why does lefty loonie fear her so much? Y'all have a long history of attacking those you fear.

@JohnSWright49 Believe whatever helps you sleep better at night. Go watch Fox news and cry about it. ;)

@drealities I don't sleep well at night with a Socialist at the helm. Who said ANYTHING about Fox? You gunna call me a Racist next?

@drealities I can't wait to Blog this conversation! You give me so much to work with!

@JohnSWright49 Oh no, not the right wing spin on a blog! I'm so afraid! Please, I've dealt with your kind enough that it's laughable at best

@drealities My Kind? You mean people who can see through all the Hype and see our country heading down a road to destruction? I bet you have

@JohnSWright49 Hmm, let me guess, other right wing robots? Poor things, I take pity on anyone who considered voting Palin into office. Bye:D

@drealities Besides it is your predictability that I am going to blog about....YOUR words that will be used. Ppl can draw their own thoughts

@drealities I have dealt with crazy people all my life, so what is one more. Why do you want to steal my money?

@drealities Did you ever join the Military? You sit back and enjoy the freedom that the United States Military provides.

@JohnSWright49 Actually jarhead, assumptions make and ass, and you know the rest ;) I was in the Army. So try, try again. :)

@JohnSWright49 BTW, I didn't agree with the Wall Street bail outs at ALL. I'm also pro guns, so once again, assumptions...

@drealities Who gave you the right to take MY money and give it to some welfare sucking ILLEGAL ALIEN?

@drealities Who gave you the right to tell me what I can or can not eat, what I can or cannot wear?

@drealities You need to wake up from your drug induced coma and look around you. He isn't going just after MY are on his list

@JohnSWright49 And btw, I've never done drugs in my life. Way to stereotype a dem though. Classy, very Conservative of you! ;)

@drealities So why do you hate America?

@JohnSWright49 If I hated America, I'd have voted Palin in so she could run it into the ground, honey!

@drealities Why do you want to steal other ppls money to give to the lazy assholes of the world?

@JohnSWright49 Hey, you started it love. Ask and ye shall receive...

@drealities I am assuming you support socialism when you support a brainer on that one

@drealities and keep your gun handy, because they will come for you. Even with your lefty leanings, you were ex-military therefore RW Mil.

@drealities You avoid the REAL issues though...those of stealing from My daughter and grandkids. Where did your hate start?

@drealities Shall we discuss the assumption you made about me?

@drealities Why do you hate Palin? She is smarter than D'OHbama, has a LOT better ideas than D'OHbama, and HAS A BIRTH CERT.

@drealities and you won't answer why you think it is OK to steal money from people. Why do you believe in Redistributing wealth?>

@JohnSWright49 That woman is a moron. He has more intelligence in his pinky toe than she has in her whole brain.

@drealities And he sure shows it every day when he apologizes all over the world for America's greatness as he works to destroy it.

@JohnSWright49 She made a mockery of women in politics and single handedly set us back farther than imaginable.

@JohnSWright49 I think McCain is a good, honorable man who's served this nation well. She is a disgrace to women everywhere.

@drealities I can see where wanting a strong Military, energy independence, SMALLER federal Gov. is a disgrace to women...

@JohnSWright49 I don't believe in redistributing wealth, I believe EVERYONE should work for what they get if they're able.

@JohnSWright49 I don't think the uber rich should get tons of tax breaks & just keep getting richer while the poor pay hand over fist either

@drealities I can see why you chose your name. You live in a dream world. Well, when we are fighting for YOUR freedom, you Might wake.

@JohnSWright49 Actually, use ur brain just a tad and u'll see it means "where dreams meet reality." It must b a lefty thing2 think that hard

@drealities The "Poor" don't pay for anything.

@JohnSWright49 Right, tell that to the guys working at Wal-Mart for 7 an hour losing their check to taxes while the corp is sitting pretty.

@JohnSWright49 People can't even afford health insurance and you're bitching about "socialism" when he offers to help them?


@drealities "for 7 an hour losing their check to taxes" and YOU want to RAISE the taxes even more!!

@JohnSWright49 Go drill for some oil, kill all of our ocean life, and keep driving your Hummers. Screw the Earth, right? It's all about YOU!

@drealities Love when the left uses the argument that we humans are SO powerful we can do all that...Bet you buy Global warming too

@JohnSWright49 Goodbye, John & good riddance. If u still serve our gr8 country, perhaps u should show sum respect 2 ur commander in chief!

@drealities I can't respect someone who has no respect for anyone but himself. I believe it was YOU who started this tweet.

So there you have it,

John S. Wright

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