John Stephen Wright

John Stephen Wright

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According to Janet Nepalotano I am a Right Wing extremist.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Twitter Rants

Hey Y'all,
It has been a week since I Blogged, so here is my latest. It is in no particular order, but it covers a WIDE range of topics from the wonderfully effective United Nations(gag) to the Radical Racist "Professor Gates" at my Great time 8 Grandfather's College, Harvard. So enjoy the read, and away we go!!

You can forget anniversaries, birthdays, and ppls names but you NEVER forget the Day your Drill Instructor calls you MARINE!

Remember when BO started his career is the home of Bill Ayers and DIDN'T know he was a terrorist?

Remember when the Pilots took Air Force One out for a Joy ride over NYC at Ground Zero and BO didn't KNOW about it?

Remember when 100s of 1000s of people from EVERY party got together for Tea on tax day and BO didn't know about it?

NEW Game out:"World of Borecraft" I am a 3rd level Apology Wizard. Goal is to Be POTUS BO

BO says: "Disproportionate # of minorities arrested" I say:"Disproportionate # of minorities COMMIT CRIME" Duh!

Liberals don't even take responsibility for blaming others for not taking responsibility!

The shaking in Iran's boots at Gates threat of UN action is laughter not fear.

"Reaganomics" worked for America. "Obamanomics" works against America.

Stealing an idea from Capital One D'OHbaba orders his pic imprinted on all welfare cards. What's in YOUR wallet?

Remember BO promising a PRIVATE army as big and well funded as the UNITED STATES MILITARY? For WHAT?

All the UN can do about Iran is a little Dinner Knife Rattling.

Lemmie see if I got this right...slavery happened, so now when you do dumb(criminal) things its ok becuz your ancestor was a slave

Sec. Of Defense Gates threatens Iran with UN...didn't know he did standup comedy...

Political scientist Jerry McBeath said "In the context of 305 million Americans, 100,000 is not a lot of followers," Re:@AKgovsarahpalin


Remember the first act of "President Obama" was sealing his records but insisting he has nothing to hide?

The amount of freedom you have is inversely proportional to the size of your government.

Remember BO promising a PRIVATE army as big and well funded as the UNITED STATES MILITARY? For WHAT?

Guess the Apology Tour didn't work, they are STILL blowing up Americans.

Remember when BHO said no bill will be signed or voted on until it was available to the public via internet for a time?

The @whitehouse IS transparent..well,.except for who visits..and policies..and eligibility...and associations....

Remember when BO said he would Balance the Budget? I think he meant 100 yrs from now after our grndchildren are done paying for his debt.

Libs enslave our childrens minds through Public Education seek now to enslave their bodies through welfare.

THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS-Leading the way since 1775! Semper Fidelis Brother and sister Marines!

Robert Gibbs can turn a three word answer into a five minute hem and haw(or even Hee Haw) session.

D'OHbaba says:"I only know what the telepromper and Michelle WANT me to know"

A leader leads from the front, a ruler pushes from behind. Get ur hands off my butt D'OHbama!

D'OHbama's Ego is writing checks even China won't cash!

Women would consider D'OHbama a typical man....lost and won't ask for directions and can't read the Constitution Map.

D'OHbama read the Constitution. He just considers it a fictional short story.

Think of the fun we could have with BO if a RW hacker got into the Telepromper....

Mr. D'OHbaba...Think of the Tea Parties as a "Learning moment"

I may not be able to throw 100 mph fastballs, but I could get it over the plate.

You can forget anniversaries, birthdays, and ppls names but you NEVER forget the Day your Drill Instructor calls you MARINE!

Remember when BO started his career is the home of Bill Ayers and DIDN'T know he was a terrorist?

My Bologna Hs a 1st name,it's B A R O K,My Bologna hs a 2nd Name its O b a m a.ask me y I'll say cuz Barok Obama has a way w/b o l o g n a

Almost amusing that the Man who sits the Furthest from the Field talks about having "Skin in the Game".

Remember when BO went to "Rev"Wright's church for 20 yrs and DIDNT know Wright was a racist?

This is one of MY favs...Remember the BHO TRANSPARENCY?

"The Jeffersons" new theme song today:"Moving back down frm the East Side cuz Obama took my piece of the Pie"

Biden, D'OHbama and Pelosi star in "The Bad, the Badder, and the ButtUgly"

Why is it not racist to have BET but would be if we had WET? (Besides it not sounding right?)

They need to schedule D'OHbama's Press Conferences later...He aint ready for Prime Time.

Remember, its all fun and games until D'Ohbama gets impeached.(Then its PARTY TIME!)

Those who can, LEAD, those who can't, RULE!

Word of advice to D'OHbama: Man who fart on Flames of Freedom get ass burned!

ALL new bills in Senate and Congress must be twitter more than 140 chrs so we know they read them.

D'OHbamaLittle got hit in the head with an ACORN and now is running around telling us "The Sky is Falling!!"

Mr. POTUS: We can no longer wait to act. We need to see your resignation on Our desk by 8AM tomorrow Morning!

ILLEGAL ALIENS HAVE ONE RIGHT.....They have the right to get the HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY or be shot@

D'OHbama to taxpayers: "If I want your opinion, I would give it to you."

All of D'OHbama's TV appearances should have a warning label "Will cause Nausea and Brain damage" and be rated "L" for Lies

I will post more "Gems" later.

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