John Stephen Wright

John Stephen Wright

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According to Janet Nepalotano I am a Right Wing extremist.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The SIMPLE question a lib won't answer....

Greeting again my fellow earth travelers,

I have again gotten the attention of a Liberal. This one goes by the Handle of @JMRsOMA and the "Name" she has is ChitlinKraut. I started out the day as I normally do, weeding out the junk followers and lost Liberals who stumble on me. Here is what I read when I viewed her profile:
(NOTE: My Tweets will be in italics)

(@JMRsOMA)@ricksanchezDUI - I respect Ms Garafolo, you? Laughable. It's clear how some celebs waterboys and girls troll themselves on Twitter.

(@JMRsOMA)@imcrazyriter CambridgePD mishandled stupidly, right down to its written report&allegations against Whalen. Beck is stupidly opportunistic.

And this one:

(@JMRsOMA)@iamdiddy - ask Dirty Money to create a Glenn Beck song about how he should not call President Obama a racist

I at this point decided that I would reply to this person and indicate that perhaps I was not someone she would REALLY want to follow as I had a rather differing point of view that she seems to express.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA But D'OHbama IS a racist. And why should Beck be fired when Letterman didn't? You might want to Unfollow me. I hate your God Obama

A short while later I got this from here and it was ON!!

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 I know you don't want to breath the same air as me, get over it, I'm here-ain't gwoing nada block me-I don't give a rats ....

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you are not correct. I wish you no ill like your follower did me. I don't believe in sharing my wealth with leeches on society.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you are welcome to follow but u won't like what I say. Truth is scary to those who believe the lies of D'OHbama.

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - There are no moral components in your tweets - valueless

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I bring into question the Morals of a President who has skirted the Constitution, Spoke frequently about how much hates whitey...

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA He is building an empire that will crumble LONG before it gets the groundwork done.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I am thinking that my "valueless" tweets should not be seen by your oh so High Value eyes... Would not want to upset your utopia.

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 ((exhales deeply)) drops microphone and walks off stage shaking her head.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA How many followers did you say you had? Oh, 39. You must be really knocking them dead with YOUR valuable insight.

JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - U R a slacker. I didnot join this site for followglory, my egos OK, you need the glory, FYI-I've been a member 4 a minute?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I am not here for glory either. You have been here for a minute and judge my tweets VALUELESS?

JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 From what I've read, let's just say, I did not stutter. Make it a great day, if you know how, slacker.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA ok, for now I will allow you to follow me. You might get a REAL education not indoctrination.

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 Thanks for reiterating the obvious SFB

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I don't mind showing the world your ignorance. It reenforces my points of liberal closeminded behaviors.

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 I'll keep you unblocked just to read your Obama rants and get a hearty laugh

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA awww, how sweet and u may get the education u so desperately need. Y do libs attack a person instead of an idea?


JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA what good has D'OHbama done for this country? Notice the numbers going way down? More ppl are waking.

JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 The more appropriate question s/b what has Obama done that is "in your eyes" so evil? I don't understand your rath of him

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I could go on for years of the faker in the WH. But like evry other lib I ask that ? Of you don't answer it.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA let's start most recently with his bad case of insertfootinmouth episode with the Racist prof and the evil white cop...

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA then there is the ramming of 24 TRILLION $ of debt he has saddled my decendants with.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA let's move to his being in a church with a radical racist preacher but claims he didn't KNOW wright is a racist.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Oh, did I mention the circumventing of the Constitution by appointing more Czars than RUSSIA had, EVER?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Hmmm Socialized Medicine without letting the Congress read the plan...taking over and destroying automakers.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA starting his career in the living room of a domestic terrorist but claims he didn't know.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA sending air force one on a mission over NYC ground zero but gosh...didn't know about it.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA He incites racial tension, promotes a Nanny State, is not a US citizen and therefore not eligible to BE POTUS.

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - Are you out of breath, yet?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA the list grows by the day. Everything he does and says contradict themselves. He claims to be for whatever his audience wants

(Second time for the Unanswerable question):

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you asked. So I answered YOUR question. What GOOD has he done?

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - Wow! Testament that only skewed perceptions & personal prejudices would allow such myopic views. You're an American? Wow^2

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA So instead of answering MY question you attack my being an American? How is letting a Petty Dictator-wannabe run the US American?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Where is my Prejudice?

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 Re-read ur words. I don’t know a Bap non-radical precher. 2 can play the your descends saddled my descends with this…gameNT

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I can quote you his words, but you hear only what you want. I could show you his actions but you only see what you want.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA When asked a simple question you and most libs will go to the personal attack because you don't HAVE an answer.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA You really are not making much sense. I know my words. You asked and I answered. You REFUSE to answer my question.

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - Sad. You don't have a clue how much you are part of the problem. I have no more (today) to say to you, slacker.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA and it is a RADIAL RACIST preacher. And BO has expressed his hatred for America as well as Mad Michelle.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I have not said ANYTHING about you. Just about your point of view that need adjusting, but YOU have to do that.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Of course you don't. You can't answer my question can you? I answered yours. The "slacker" prize goes to you!

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA You must really hate your parents. No? who damaged you so badly you can't answer a simple question w/o attacking me personally?

@JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 -u are insane. Do you read what you write? No way, could anyone respond to your scatterbrained topics. Focus Fool

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I asked you ONE question. What is so hard to follow about that? Is that ONE too many?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA What I do is Political satire. Comments with a funny twist based in truth. You asked me why I hate D'OHbama and think him evil...

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA Would you like me to repeat the question more slowly?

JohnSWright49 In addition to my tweets being valueless and me being a slacker, I am also an insane unfocused fool. Keep the love coming @JMRsOMA !

JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - Political satire? OMgosh, not another wannabe. Your satire is not funny, its evil like you and your twisted misinformation

JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - More accurately valueless tweets, slacker, insane unfocused, UnAmerican, fool spewing unsupported assertions

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I can support EVERYTHING I say. Can YOU? Why don't you answer the Question? Is attacking me making you feel good about Urself?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA More personal attacks. More avoidance. More excuses and still no answer to my simple question,

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA So what you are saying is that no one but YOU can have an opinion. If it differs from yours, it is insane?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I would say a POTUS who bows to Saudi Prince's and insults our long time allies is pretty UN AMERICAN.

JMRsOMA@JohnSWright49 - you and your million comments are not only redundant and illogical, your presence is merely to bait. No more bites here

JohnSWright49 I have succeeded in raising the little hairs on the back of @JMRsOMA 's neck. She is in full attack me personally mode.

(THIRD time I asked the Unanswerable question....geesh):

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA are not going to follow me any more. A SIMPLE question. WHAT HAS OBAMA DONE THAT IS GOOD?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA See ya. Get educated before you come back. Have a safe Government run life.

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 - LOL, NO! If you know what you are doing on this site, you do not have to repeat ur misinformation for different time zones

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA LOL is right, I forget you are an expert Twitterer. Still no answer to my Question. Why do you have trouble answering?

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I have D'OHbama's OWN words and history, well documented, I might add, to back up my claims. What do YOU have?

I made mention that I had noticed later on that she had decided to stop following me. I mentioned that fact and said she might have gotten smart and unfollowed me. She replies hours later:

JMRsOMA @JohnSWright49 -No because you post too many convoluted tweets & they clutter the stream on my page. You assumed wrong typical of egomaniacs

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA lol, then why won't you answer the simple question? My ego is fine. I don't need to attack ppl to feel better about me

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA you can read my blog tomorrow as you star in it.

JohnSWright49 @JMRsOMA I am calling it "the simple question that a lib won't answer"

And here,@JMRsOMA, here is my promised fame for your words of Wisdom!

I am Unfunny Political Satire Wannabe, with valueluess tweets, an insane unfocused Un-American Foolish Slacker spewing unsupported assertions.

I am still looking for the answer to that question.

There you have it...

John S. Wright

1 comment:

  1. What a moron! Simple question... She is nuts!!!
